Monday, June 3, 2013

Intellectual Escapism


I’ve been getting into several discussions with atheists online and I must admit that I’m amazed at the lengths people will go to intellectually to avoid the existence of God.  Relativism has invaded science; emotion has taken over logic in the name of rationality.  People claim they do not believe in God because of a lack of evidence, but then they point to stories of those who have left Christianity purely for emotional reasons; they ceased to feel want they once felt.  Then they become bitter and go on a crusade to educate others about their delusions. As someone who does not trust emotions, I find this baffling.  I’m not bitter that I no longer believe in Santa.  Why is God different? 

Here are some of my favorite objections to the arguments for God:
  • I am open to God existing, but only if he can be scientifically verified.
  • It may be possible for something to come from nothing without a cause.
  • Watch this video where an anti-theist scientist says something can come from nothing….but then later admits that nothing weighs something and isn’t really nothing.  Buy my book!
  • “Philosopher’s Nothing” may not even be possible, so there’s nothing to discuss.
  • A supernatural first cause that is not bound by our natural laws is special pleading, but it’s ok if the multi-verse is a first cause not bound by our natural laws.
  • There was no time before the big bang, so any questions about a cause for our universe is meaningless….unless you believe the multi-verse did it.
  • The "god of the gaps" argument is a logical fallacy….it's ok for the multi-verse to fill the gaps.
  • Just because there is no evidence that the multi-verse exists does not mean an atheist has faith. 
  • I trust science; that is not the same as faith.
  • We just got lucky with the fine tuning of the universe and with life forming from non-life. 
  • Why should we be surprised we exist?  Someone has to win the lottery.
  • Objective moral values do not exist, but God sure was evil in the OT.
  • Objective moral values exist through evolution and are set by society, but Nazi Germany (or anything else I disagree with) was/is still wrong.

"In faith there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don't." - Blaise Pascal

I think this quote aptly describes what is happening in the mind of an unbeliever.  They have made a choice that they do not want to see; therefore, they do not see.  Rather than worship the creator, they worship the creation and ultimately themselves.